Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic – Monika Vintrlikova 2020

Our New Atlanta Consul is Monika Vintrlikova
Czech Republic
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Monika Vintrlikova
Telefon: 404 905 2062
Email: atlanta@czechconsulate.com

Our Past Honorary Consul General of the Czech Republic, George Novak, awarded Medal of Merit,
First Degree‏ – George Novak has been in the metro Atlanta, GA area since 1968 – worked as our
Consul until 2020. 

 George Novak Consul2  Jiri_Novak Award
 November 13, 2014
What an incredible honor for our friend and colleague the Honorary Consul General
of the Czech Republic, George Novak!

On October 28, 2014, at the celebration of the 96th anniversary of the Czech Republic
at the medieval Vladislavsky Hall at Prague Castle, President Milos Zeman decorated
Honorary Consul General George Novak with the Medal of Merit, First Class, for his
long term services to the Czech Republic.  Among the other 32 awards recipients
were Sir Winston Churchill (in memoriam), ex-Chancellor of Austria Fritz Wranitzki,
and the 105-year-old sir Nicolas Winton, who rescued 668 Jewish children just before
the outbreak of World War II.

Washington Information:
Website:  http://www.mzv.cz/washington